Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bob's, Used Book Store, and Beyond.

Today, the lighthouse, Jackie, and Spencer took a trip to the bookstore and beyond.

The lighthouse and Spencer arrived early at Conway and waited for Jackie.

And waited.

Jackie arrived and brought pizza.

Lighthouse thought it was nommy.

Then we boarded the bus.

Lighthouse got to drive!

We stopped by at Bob's for some lemonade. Big Bob is creepy.

The Vodka Girls will have their fun. As will the lighthouse in the bottom left.

Lighthouse and Spencer like grafitti.

They then stopped off at the Used Book Store. This book is notical.

Finally, the lighthouse, Spencer, and Jackie stopped off at Eastern Boarders to sit and rest.
These stickers were neat.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sleepy cat.

The lighthouse disturbed a cat's sleep.
The cat has a pretty neat birthmark in her eye.
The cat's name is Polarbear, and can almost always be found on Spencer's bed.

Room cleaning.

The lighthouse found this amazing view at the beach.
...Or found a skateboard in Spencer's room.

Periodic Table.

The lighthous helped Spencer make a large Periodic Table.
It was exsausting.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dowtown Nashua.

The lighthouse took a walk along downtown Nashua today.
All of the other pictures came out too bright.
That is what we call irony.

Nashua Public Library.

The lighthouse traveled to the Nashua Publice Library today.
She met up with Ryan and listened to some local bands.

A Summer Light's Dream.

On May 17th, my dear friend Molly was diagnosed with Leukemia.
She gave me a list of things she would have liked to had done, now that she may not have the chance.
This is one of them.
She wanted me to take a small object- a Tardis or a small owl, some kind of statue-esque object- and bring it with me on my summer adventures.
I chose a lighthouse.

Everywhere I go this summer, I will take a picture of the lighthouse in some kind of various way, taking a part of Molly with me wherever I go.
Guests will also have similar lighthouses and take pictures on their summer adventures. They will also be here.

Hello. I'm Spencer, and this is A Summer Light's Dream.